瑞昭窯は清水焼の窯元で、平成28年に閉窯していますが今でも羅漢さんは人気の作品だそうです。家人が30年ほど前に購入し、長く保管していました。何度か使用しているようですが、特に目立つ傷もありません。閉窯のため手に入りにくいお品かと思いますので、お好きな方にお譲りできればと思います。箱はありませんが、丁寧に梱包してお送りいたします。即購入OKですカップ口径(Cup dia.):9cm 高さ(height):8.5cmソーサー直径(Saucer dia.):14cmKiyomizuyaki is a traditional Japanese ceramic ware, mainly produced at Kiyomizu-yaki kilns in Kyoto Prefecture, Japan. Arhats are one of the motifs depicted as part of Kiyomizuyaki designs.An arhat refers to a saint who has reached the highest stage of Buddhist practice. They are the saints who gathered together when the Buddha's teachings were recited by all and the sutras were compiled. Each of the arhats is painted with a different expression and attire."Tansho-gama" is a Kiyomizu-yaki pottery kiln, which closed in 2008. So it is hard to buy this item now.We purchased them about 30 years ago and would be happy to sell them to someone who likes the popular lucky item.#kiyomizu #kyoyaki